Thursday, February 11, 2016



Hello Class, 

On February 14 people celebrate Valentine's Day. 
I prefer Friendship Day. 
I have many friends. But I only have a few special friends.
My mother is a special friend. 
My husband is a very special friend. 
I don't have a best friend. 
I like all my friends. They are very important. 
I am happy to have friends. 
Friends are a blessing.
Remember Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
And you?
Do you have many friends?
Who is your best friend?
Do you celebrate Valentine's?
We will celebrate Valentine´s in the class on Tuesday! Please prepare an Acrostic with the word friendship.  Example: 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Pronunciation Links

 Vowel Sounds


 Vowels, vowels wirh r, diphthongs

Consonant Sounds Part 1

Consonant Sounds Part 2

Word Stress Game

Class Power Point Presentations

Program Additional Resources

American English File 1 Activities


Possessive Pronouns

Part of the Body

This and That

Repetition Drills

***En este sitio podrán encontrar miles de frases con audio disponible. Las frases están en inglés y en español. Si hacen click en el botón de PLAY podrán escuchar la frase. Por favor practiquen repitiendo las frases varias veces. 

Simple Present Tense


Monday, February 1, 2016


Dear Apprentices, 
My name is Betzy. It is a pleasure to meet you and start a learning adventure with you. 
I am an English teacher with 14 years of experience. I am married. I have three wonderful children. Two girls and one boy. 
I love to teach English. I love to read. I love technology. I like to play basketball and I like to take trips with my family.  
My favorite quote is: 

How about you? 
Can you share a little about yourselves?