Thursday, May 12, 2016

My abilities

What are your abilities?

Well, let me tell you that I have different abilities. 
For example: 
  1. I can speak English. 
  2. I can draw very well. 
  3. I can cook delicious food. 
  4. I can play basketball. 
  5. I can sing. 
  6. I can use technology. I love technology!!!
There are things I can't do: 
  1. I can't dance. 
  2. I can't swim. 
  3. I can't speak German. 
  4. I can't play soccer. I am terrible. 
  5. I can't see well. I need glasses. 
Now it's your turn!


  1. Hi class

    Mi name is Karla

    I Can´t cook
    I Can´t to nag
    I Can´t play piano
    I Can´t speak Italian

    I can play Basketball
    I can speak Spanish
    I can Swin
    I can dance

  2. He went to a party
    He saw a beautiful girl
    He drunk in the party
    He ate cookies
    She spoke 1 hour
    She kissed him
    He liked to drink water
    He cried for beautiful girl
    She danced last night
    They kissed each other

  3. I can swim
    I can play football
    I can dance
    I can eat sead food

    I can´t cook
    I can´t was the dishes
