Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Dream House

My dream house is a modern house. It is on the coast. 

There are six bedrooms. In each bedroom there is a walking closet. There is a bathtub and a shower. 
There is a very elegant living room. There is a smart TV, a leather sofa and 2 massage armchairs. 
There isn't a yard, but there is a big swimming pool. I love it!
What about your dream house?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Last Christmas

What did you do last Christmas?

Hello class. Today I am going to share what my family and I did last Christmas. 

Christmas eve was very special. We had a delicious dinner. My mother cooked chicken. I baked a chocolate cake. My children were very happy. On Christmas Day we woke up at 10am. We had breakfast. After breakfast we opened presents. My children played and watched videos. 
My husband, my mother and I watched a movie. That day we ate tamales. We didn't cook. We didn't go out. We relaxed at home. It was a special day because we spent time together. 

What about you?  Whaat did you do last Christmas?

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Please write about it.

Hello class!

We have two activities:


My Jeopardy Template

2. Do you remember a special night?
I remember camping with my friends.
We went to Tecpan.
We felt so happy.
We wore warm jackets.
We took  cookies and milk.
In the morning we got up at 7am.
The boys swam all morning but the water was extremely cold.
The girls only spoke and saw the boys in the water.
My best friend lost her keys.
I met a handsome boy.
We heard scary stories at night.
We left the camp the next morning.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Party

I loved going to parties when I was a teenager. 

I remember a party in my friend's house. 
I was so much fun. 

The party started at 7pm.
There were 30 people at the party. 
There was a lot of food. 
We ate chicken, pizza, and hamburgers. 
There weren't alcoholic drinks. Only sodas.
The boys and girls were very happy. 
Some boys played games. Others swam in the pool. 
The girls danced and danced. 
I talked with my best friend all night. 
The party finished at midnight. 
It was a fun party.
I walked home. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

My abilities

What are your abilities?

Well, let me tell you that I have different abilities. 
For example: 
  1. I can speak English. 
  2. I can draw very well. 
  3. I can cook delicious food. 
  4. I can play basketball. 
  5. I can sing. 
  6. I can use technology. I love technology!!!
There are things I can't do: 
  1. I can't dance. 
  2. I can't swim. 
  3. I can't speak German. 
  4. I can't play soccer. I am terrible. 
  5. I can't see well. I need glasses. 
Now it's your turn!

Thursday, May 5, 2016



  1. What is your favorite music? 
  2. What kind of music do you listen to when you study?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to when you are driving to work?
  4. What kind of music do you listen to when you want to sleep?
  5. What kind of music do you like for dancing?
  6. What kind of music do you like when you are cleaning the house?

My answers: 
  1. I like all kinds of music. 
  2. When I study I like listening to celtic or new age music. I think it helps concentrating. 
  3. When I am driving to work I like listening to Christian Pop music. 
  4. I don't like to listen to music when I want to sleep. 
  5. I can't dance. But when I want to play with my children we like to listen to Latin music. We like music from the '80s too. Disco music is perfect for dancing. 
  6. It is important for me to listen to music when I clean the house. I feel energy. I like listening to energetic music. It can be Latin, pop, reggae, or other. 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

My favorite day

My favorite day is Sunday

Sunday is a special day because my husband doesn't go to work, my children don't go to school, and I can share time with my family. 
We get up at seven o'clock. 
We have breakfast. 
After breakfast we go to church. 
We participate in church activities. 
We have lunch at a resttaurant. 
In the afternoon we watch movies or play games. 
Sunday is my favorite day because I have time for my family.